Summer 2015 Newsletter
“The Recovery Church”
![]() Friends,
In recent years, Oklahoma has held the distinction as the state that locks up women at the highest rate not only in the nation, but some reports state that we have more women in prison than any country in the world. Women usually end up in prison due to three factors: Coming from a poverty-stricken background, being in relationships with men who engage in criminal behavior and suffering from a long history of abuse. A large number of women are languishing in state prisons when they could be rehabilitated in other ways. One report states that 85 percent of the women in Oklahoma prisons are mothers. Too many women are going to prison, destroying their families, because of addictions.” We’ve ignored these families for generations and now reaping the tragic consequences. The Recovery Church ministry is seeking to change the cycle of repeat offenders by teaching new coping skills, bringing them into a personal relationship with Jesus, helping them to love and believe in themselves first, then teaching them how to invest in their children and reverse these generational curses. Judges are sentencing third generation women in families. Breaking the cycle of incarceration by focusing on rehabilitating young mothers is a sensible alternative to prison overcrowding and building more penitentiaries. The system has been broken for a long time and isn’t getting any better. There needs to be more ministries that are willing to make the sacrifices it takes to invest into these women and children’s lives. We have been in the process of securing a property with a 8000 sq. ft. home for just this purpose. If we really want to stop the growth of imprisonment in the nation and in particular, Oklahoma, we’ve got to look at the next generation. Some reports suggest that about 70 percent of the next generation of inmates are going to be the children of men and women now in prison. Oklahoma’s high female incarceration rate is related to strict mandatory minimum sentences for repeat offenders, poverty and the state’s historically weak response to child abuse and drug addiction. In many cases, the women have lost custody of their children, are estranged from their families and find themselves without a support system: Below are two stories from two our women Heather Phillips and Stephanie Weir who represent many others and the future of this ministry. Stephanie and Heather
Heather’s Story My name is Heather DeAun Phillips, I am 35, and I live in Duncan, Oklahoma. I chose to take a direction in my life that was rocky, swerved, filled with side roads, sharp turns and tunnels. At several points in my life all I could see was dead end roads with no light at the end of the tunnel. Nevertheless, I would not change my path for anything, because it made me, who I am today. God took the path that I had chosen and turned it into a beautiful journey. I hope and pray that my story can benefit others. I was addicted to methamphetamines and prescription pills for almost twenty years. I had issues with an eating disorder that stemmed from low self-esteem and self-worth, and although I came from a very loving and stable home, I began using methamphetamine as a teenager because I was overweight, sad, and wanted to change the way I felt. Eighteen years later, I had been a resident in eight drug rehabilitation centers and incarcerated in the Oklahoma Department of Corrections on two separate occasions. I had been a victim of sexual, emotional, and physical abuse, which sadly, comes with the territory. I also had several serious mental health diagnoses. I once had dreams of becoming a doctor, but when you live in the darkness of this world, your goal in life is only to get your next fix. The entire time I lived in this darkness, I knew God was still there, protecting me with loving and open arms, but I pushed Him away. At my very worst, I considered pulling out my 9mm handgun and having the police shoot me. I just wanted to be taken out of this world, and get away from all the pain! I had absolutely no idea that God had other plans. I was arrested for a third felony and saved from myself. I was sent to a detox and a long-term drug rehabilitation center in Oklahoma City. This was April 2, 2013, which is my Independence Day. I stayed nine months in a three-month program, on my own. The Lord spoke to my heart, loud and clear and I knew that it was time. I was physically and emotionally killing my aging parents, who had supported me through it all, and if anything, they deserved to see me sober. I knew I had a purpose, and it was not to be a drug addict and end up in a ditch. When I got out of rehab, I began attending The Recovery Church with Pastor Dennis Hall. By the grace of God, I was granted the opportunity to have a chance to complete Stephens County Drug Court program, as opposed to going back to prison. I gave my life and everything that came with it to the care of God and I have never looked back. This was just over a year ago, and I had no idea that I would need a seatbelt for the next few months! I began attending The Recovery Church and every single meeting that was offered. The members have become my other family. I met a woman that God has placed in my life as a spiritual guide, named Debbie Hall, the pastor’s wife, and a minister herself. “When the pupil is ready, the teacher appears…” I found that the Recovery Church did not have the normal faith-based meetings I had attended in the past. I leave the women’s groups feeling empowered. I am beginning to truly understand my own identity, and who I am in Christ. I was given the honor of being placed on the Praise and Worship team, handling the media. The pastors seem to see more in me, than I have seen in myself. Now I understand that I was just a warrior for Christ, awaiting to be awakened! I have learned through the sermons and meetings that I have to completely change the way I think. Many of the sermons have focused on changing our thought patterns, and renewing our mind to the mind of Christ Jesus. It was very hard for me to find employment with my record, but God already has an awesome training ground and plan. Through my cousin, I met a women that originally hired me to make sno-cones. She is also the director of an agency called Christian Helping Hands, and today, I am the supervisor for the Hands of Hope Housing. Many of the women that live in our homes have the exact same issues that I have had in the past. All I can do to help these women is speak from my own experience, and allow God to use me as a vessel and a beacon of light. I made the choice to be a drug addict for all of those years, but I believe God is using my past to help others with the same set of circumstances. Today, I have been clean two years and three months. As of yesterday, I am a sophomore in college, going to school full-time to become a licensed counselor, and someday earn my PHD. I was recently given the opportunity to learn how to write grant proposals. The Recovery Church has a dream and vision to birth a Women and Children’s Recovery home in Duncan Oklahoma. Oklahoma incarcerates more women than anyplace in the world. The Recovery Church and its members understand that at some point, the cycle of addiction, poverty and abuse must be broken. This refuge will empower women to find their true identity in Christ Jesus, and motivate them to seek out their own destiny. As the women learn to love themselves for the very first time, they will be able to offer that love to their children and be better mothers. I remember a time in my life, not long ago, when I prayed for what I have right now. My parents are truly my best friends, and my relationship with my family has been restored. I pray every morning that God will guide my steps, and when I listen….. He does. I feel a peace and serenity that surpasses any chemical I ever used. I want to share that feeling with others who suffer with addiction, and let them know that Jesus Christ can fill that big, huge, hole in their heart with a love and peace that surpasses all understanding. Drugs can never fill that hole in our hearts, because God placed it there! He wants us to fill it with His ultimate love for us………. Jesus Christ in us! It is truly a miracle that I am clean and sober, a miracle that only God could have performed. Today, God has taken my brokenness and put the pieces back together more beautiful than ever, and I know that he is using my life. I am proud to be a New Creation in Christ! Stephanie and Heather
Stephanie’s Story My name is Stephanie Weir, I am 31 years old and live in Duncan Oklahoma. My story starts with a beginning that is far too common. Many women in the world today find themselves in the same dark places I have been. I had a chain of toxic relationships that started right after graduating from High School. Drug use and abuse of every kind flowed freely….. like it was how things were supposed to be. I married into one of these relationships where I was introduced to meth….. And that is where things begin to spiral quickly downhill. I ended up losing everything including my kids, vehicles, possessions and my marriage in a very short period of time. I was living a lie from Satan. I thought I wasn’t good enough and I wasn’t worthy of anything, and the biggest lie of all, was that I WAS UNLOVABLE! I was at my rock bottom and didn’t care. My actions led me straight to jail! Now ironically this was the best thing that happened to me. While I was there, I met Chaplain Debbie Hall with The Recovery Church. She planted a seed in my heart with the love of Jesus and the Words of Life flowed through her. I had attended church when I was younger, but I had never been taught that I could have my own personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. I was accepted into the Stephens County Drug Court program and started to attend meetings at The Recovery Church where Dennis and Debbie Hall began to water that seed planted in my heart. I was empowered through our woman’s group, taught how to love myself, and also how to forgive myself for my past actions and choices. I learned that in order to give love to others, I first had to receive God’s love for myself. The Recovery Church has a Sunday night study on the Promises of God and how to receive God’s promises into our lives. Through these promises of God to me, I was finally able to let go and surrender myself to God’s will for my life. I truly begin to see and trust in God’s plan for me. My life is being restored more every day! I have three children and I have them all back with me! I am learning how to raise my children to be great sons and daughters of God! By doing things God’s way, I have restored broken relationships with my family. The Recovery Church has even provided my children and I a home to live in. The main thing I have learned here is……..We are all recovering from something in life, whether it be drugs, alcohol, relationships, co-dependency…..or our own stinking self. But here is the thing….. Now I know in my heart and soul that all things work together for the good of those that love God, and are called according to HIS PURPOSE! The road to recovery isn’t an easy one, but even the biggest and most beautiful butterfly had to struggle to break out of its cocoon! We can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens us. So today, I am confident that I will be able to help others that have struggled as I have. I have dedicated my life to bring the light of Jesus to others and be there for them when they need to be told that ……”Yes, They are good enough, they are worthy, and God loves them no matter what!”
For more information concerning the Recovery Church ministry and its mission, contact Debbie Hall, 3023 N HWY 81, Duncan, OK 73533, phone 580-254-1701, or or Heather Phillips, phone 580-467-1496 or email
“New Church Van”
We are so very grateful to our Lord for supplying us a new van. Our old one was just about to bite the dust. Thank you Jesus
“Church Outside the Walls”
We will be having our first ever weekend camp-out Lake Side Church Service at Lake Waurika Friday – Sunday July 24-26. We are getting our kids outside and enjoying life and all this water our Father so lavishly gave us Many of our kids have never been camping, fishing, boating ect. We are tremendouolsy greatful for our faithful partners who give so much to make all this possible.
“We Will be Having More Lake Baptisms This Weekend”
We have had several Sunday evening lake trips this year and a 4th of July Celebration thanking God for our freedom and the lives He has set free through this ministry!
We believe Christianity is to be lived outside the 4 walls of a building. Each lake trip we try and police (clean) the camp areas, teaching our kids responsibility and character, befriend fellow Lakers, and demonstrate to our folks life can be exciting, adventurous, and fun without drugs, alcohol, casinos, etc.
Forth of July Celebration / Teaching Our Kids the Reason We Celebrate our Freedom!
In closing Debbie and I are still ministering inside several prison and Debbie has a powerful work going on inside Stephens county jail. SO much is happening so quickly that we stand amazed many times at the power and blessings of God. We feel like many things are fixing to break open to secure the Castle Home and others recovery homes for mothers with children, families that need a hand up and push forward, those coming out of prison who have no one. We can win this war on drugs if we follow the pattern Jesus set before us. To everyone who supports us in so many ways we continue to ask our Father to richly reward you and make His peace and joy and love over shadow you! God bless For all audio Sermons by Pastor Dennis For Weekly Calendar “New Online Donations” Click on Our Web site: Loving God-Loving People-Serving Both While Serving Our Community. Changing Our World One Heart at a Time
Dennis & Debbie Hall Ministries
The Recovery Church
Stephens Co. Jail Chaplain
P.O. Box 2117
Duncan, OK 73534
Fax: 580-786-4003
Phone 580-606-3784
If you would like to become a partner in this ministry, please make checks payable to The Recovery Church, P.O. Box 2117, Duncan, OK 73534 in order for them to be tax-deductible. Or try our new on-line donation by clicking on our web site at which logs your information to assure you will receive a tax credit! |