Hi Friends,
Debbie and I are so excited and thankful to our Lord
for how our church body is growing and maturing as disciples in the Lord. We
are increasing in numbers, but more importantly our folks are getting it. Many
in our church are coming out of a life of hell on earth, facing huge fines and
all kinds of enormous obstacles. Many are the consequences of their past lives,
but they are facing each one by faith, and with the hand of Jesus, one step at
a time, conquering these giant mountains in their lives. Talk about a body of
believers growing in faith, this blesses us beyond words. After laboring so
long, learning and adjusting from all of our mistakes through the years, and
now to see it all coming together as it is—its an awesome feeling of satisfaction and joy!
Congratulation Jonna & Billy
Pictures are Billy Geisler and Jonna Turner receiving their certificates from Judge Gay for completion of a 2 year journey
through Drug Court. The Recovery Church is honored and thankful to our Lord
that we’ve been able to be a part of your spiritual journey and your church
family. Two lives that truly have been pluck from the pit of destruction. Drug
Court is a “very difficult & intense” 2 year program that offers an alternative
to a life of prison. Upon completion, if their fines are paid, their cases are
dismissed and removed from their records
use this opportunity to disciple them in the ways of the Lord and prepare for the trials & tribulations that often destroy so many lives. Debbie and
I use our lives, the many difficult and painful experiences we’ve grown through,
to help others be better prepared. We will grow, mature, and become more
successful in life in proportion to how well we handle & deal with
adversities, hardships, and correction on our journey.
Great Job Guys
Pictured above far right Jimi Aker top left Alfonzo Chacon, and Laura Bratcher who all advanced to phase 3. Pictured in group are Sarah Howard and Kory Allen who advanced to phase 2. There are five phases
or levels in the drug court program, each has a different structure base and
they are designed to reintegrate the people into a productive life. Debbie and
I have worked with drug court 9 years, 2 years prior to the birthing of The
Recovery Church.
Glory to God
Kory Allen, Big Boy, Nelly,
& Dani Garcia were the first to be baptized in our baptismal at the new
church. We finally got it operational although we still need a heater for it.
As much as we tried to warm it, it was still pretty cool as you can see the expression on the girls face and their reaction to it. The heater system in $2,500.00 and at the time we just do not have it in our budget.
Precious Baby’s Dedicated to the Lord
We’ve had two new additions to our church family
recently. The top left picture is Ali Reed, born Feb. 22nd, 7 pounds
2 ounces & 19 inches tall. She was born to Heather Reed. Top right is
Brantley Rohrbough, born Thursday Nov. 30th, 9 pounds 6 ounces &
20 inches tall. Born to Barry & Cherokee Rohrbough.
Cherokee and Barry’s story is pretty incredible.
Debbie met Cherokee while ministering in the jail. She’s had a very destructive
life, a generational drug addict, a painful and empty life, headed to prison,
with no hope. Debbie begin ministering to her and Jesus touched her heart profoundly.
Barry’s life had been a roller coaster of ups and downs at best, addicted to
pain killers, going nowhere. Soon as Cherokee was released from jail they
started attending church regularly, joined our couples group, started
counseling, got married not to long afterwards and became a part of our church
They both love Jesus and Barry begin witnessing at his job in the oil field & God really begin
blessing their lives. They had a house given them, Barry was promoted twice.
First to foreman and then again to tool pusher with a company wielding truck.
It was about this time Cherokee became pregnant.
Like any married couple they have had plenty of
marital issues to work through and overcome, but they are! They now have a nice
home, both have great jobs, and Barry is about to complete his Fireman training
& fulfilling his dream of become a fireman. The past two years has been
incredible to see what God has done with two lives being destroyed by drugs and
all that dark world entails to becoming a Godly family living for the Lord.
Proud God-Parents
Debbie and I are honored to be the God-parents of both Brantley and Ali.
In closing we’d like each of you to know it’s only because of our awesome church family and our partners are we able to continue this kingdom work. Together we are making a difference, changing our world one heart at a time. Your love, encouragement, prayers, and financial support is making a huge difference in our community. Thank you for your hearts being united to this most needed work. Satan is working overtime and there are so few laborers. May God continue to richly bless all you do–All glory to Him!
Dennis & Debbie Hall Ministries
Pastors recovery church
jail & prison CHAPLAINS
for all audio messages go to our new web site at recoverychurchok.org
also my face book page or
sermon.net on you phone just search recovery church