
Tuesday & Thursday at 7 PM – Sunday at 10:30 AM and 6 PM

Attention: We have new and something special for our Sunday morning services. After a powerful, spiritual worship time with our recovery church praise team “Poured Out’, Pastor Dennis and his associate Elvis Wright, do a two part message, getting two different perspectives, from two different sets of eyes, from a Holy Spirit led message. This is patterned after the Gospels in which you normally get four sets of eyes, (thoughts), from a single teaching or event from Jesus’ life!

Tuesday Service 7:00 to 7:30 PM: Be still and know that the Lord is God” (PS. 46:10). Being still in today’s busy world isn’t easy–it takes continued effort. Tuesday first service is our time to be still and set at the feet of Jesus as pastor Dennis, led by Holy Spirit, brings the word of God alive with clarity and understanding in his own unique style.

Tuesday Ladies Life Group 7:30 to 8:30 PM: Debbie Hall is building family in the ladies Life Group as they learn together the way God designed women to live. They are learning to become the Godly wives, mothers, and the spiritual ladies God had intended from the beginning. God’s calling the ladies of the kingdom to come forth, stand up, and make a difference!

Tuesday Men’s Life Group 7:30 to 8:30 PM: Men’s Life Group. We are on a life journey of  becoming the spiritual leaders God called us called us to be as men, husbands, and Fathers! Come  feel the love and freedom of our great folks.

Thursday Life Group 7 PM: Matt has a unique 12 step program designed to teach us who we truly are in Christ and develop our lives from the inside out instead of the opposite. We have also designed a 12 Step Program taken from the 49 Commands of Christ.

Sunday Mornings at 10:30 Worship begins – Pastor Dennis is back and has some powerful prophetic words for our ministry – Elvis and Debbie will be ministering as well. We invite you to join us at any of the meetings or services!

Sunday Morning January 5th: Pastor Dennis has the direction our ministry will be heading as he has encouraged Debbie & Elvis to continue pointing us forward in 2025–“Visions & Destinies” In order for us to experience the fulfillment of our destinies it’s important we have our thoughts in line with our words and vice verse!

  • 10:00 Coffee & Donuts & Old Fashion Fellowship
  • 10:30 Prophetic Praise & Worship
  • 11:00 Message at 11:00
  • For all audio messages click on sermons
  • For video sermons click on videos

Sunday Evening Movie Night 6 PM Will Begin again Jan.

For all pastor Dennis’ video messages click– Video


To hear all pastor Dennis’ audio message on your smart phone go to i-pod or you can install ‘’ in the apps. & locate The Recovery Church. You’ll discover hundreds of pastors audio messages from the sermon library.