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“Dennis Hall’s Monthly Newsletter” June 2010
Greetings friends, this month marks the one year anniversary of the newsletter. As I begin this month’s letter, I would like to share with you the first paragraph I wrote in June 2009. Friends, this is a brand new venture for me so I hope you will be encouraged by what news I bring to you each month. In this old, dark world there is very little good news reported by our local or national media. My whole purpose behind these monthly newsletters is to focus on what El Shaddai, the Almighty God, the God of more than enough, is up to. In all the darkness of this world’s news ,so many seem to forget that God is alive and Jesus Christ is working miracles every day. When He walked the earth, as the Son of Man, huge crowds followed Him everywhere and He preformed miracle after miracle. These crowds numbered in the thousands, sometimes tens of thousands. Very few of these people were believers, but Jesus out of His mercy and compassion, still performed miracles of mercy. He wanted them to know Him as their Lord and Savior, as their Friend who spoke to them the truths that could set them free from the bondage and tyranny of Satan. God preformed mighty miracles to bring them to the feet of Jesus, that they might know Him. After elaborating on many of Jesus’ miracles, the Apostle John’s last words in his gospel were, “ And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written”.) Well as you read over those words written a year ago I hope I haven’t disappointed you. It is still my intent to bring to you the good news of what Jesus Christ is doing, which brings me to the next story. Last week, as I was traveling in the northwest part of the state, I picked up a hitch hiker on I-40. Later I was told how dangerous that is in the world in which we now live. It made me think of how many blessings we pass by daily because the devil has used the news media to scare people to death. I began to think of how many people have missed their opportunity of being a Good Samaritan, allowing the light of Jesus to shine through them. Romans 8:15-16 says, “For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, Abba! Father! The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God”. He reminded us again in 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind”. I’m not by any means saying we shouldn’t be cautious and use the good common sense God gave us, nor should we ever tempt God. The apostle Paul reminds us perfect love casts out fear. If God is our Father, then I believe it’s a shame and dishonorable to our heavenly Father to live in fear and be controlled by that spirit. OK, back to the story of the hitch-hiker. This was a God deal from the beginning. I had been on the road about 2 hours and was having some awesome prayer. That’s what I do when I’m on long trips; catch up on some much needed time with the Lord. Patrick had been on the road four days, he got a call from his sister in Idaho that his mother was in bad shape. He couldn’t afford any other transportation, so before he left Daytona Beach Florida, he prayed a simple prayer to the Lord. “Jesus, I have no other way but to trust you, please get me there safe, bring good Christian people to pick me up, and watch over my mother.” I found out that he has been clean from heroin for 14 years, that his brother had just died from an over dose, and his father was a heroin junkie. He had been trying to help them. He was involved with homeless missions in the Daytona area. My story really encouraged him. I won’t go into detail about how God used both of use to encourage one another and how he was God sent to me, because the Lord used him to answer some questions that I had just been praying about! Talk about goose bumps on both of us when I shared this with him. But here’s what I want to share with you about his trip. His story is so refreshing because from his first ride, until me he had been blessed with Christian after Christian picking him up. One lady had taken him home to eat a meal, shower, shave, get a little rest and then took him back to the Interstate. Another Christian, a trucker, carried him a whole day feeding him and allowing him a shower at a truck stop. Several others had feed him and they talked about Jesus the whole time. I could tell he had been in some encouraging discussion about our Lord. I think the thing that amazed him the most was how God had been answering his prayer down to the last little detail and then some. The Lord answered something for me, through him. This was something very, very dear to me. It still brings me goose bumps. Better be watchful because sometimes we do entertain angels unawares and God might be ready to answer a prayer for you! The world is still full of good people and great things are happening daily. I don’t care what the news says. May 22nd, 2010 I performed my first marriage ceremony at the Historical First Baptist Church downtown Lawton. Ami Nottingham and Client Kuhlman are now Mr.& Mrs. Client Kuhlman. We spent several months together in marriage sessions, so I got to know Client very well. I have known Ami since she was born. She is like my niece, so this was a great honor for me. Pictures and video will soon be posted on my web site. We now have 3 Seminar Stations in the jails. We are doing the Basic Life Principles, Anger Resolution, Financial Freedom, and Advance Seminars all simultaneously. This allows me to work in 4 different Pods at a time. You just can’t imagine how this is changing the jail environment. God’s Word and the teaching of His principles are making a huge impact in lives of many men. We have baptized several more men again this month. Don has a big plastic horse trough on wheels and we roll it into the Pods so the entire Pod can join in and be witnesses. We sing Amazing Grace and several other songs. The tears begin to flow as the men read Psalms 51 and bury that old man. I still have access 5 days a week and now the jail is offering GED classes. The entire jail staff and Sherriff’s Department are to be commended for the effort to rehabilitate these men’s and women’s lives. Steps of Christ Recovery will be celebrating its one year anniversary Saturday August 7th. We are planning a Christian Jubilee from 7 to 10pm. David Woods is performing his new Album and the Boyer family will also be performing some worship songs. We will have testimonies of how God used drug court, the jail, and the recovery groups to change lives dramatically. There will be plenty of food, drinks, and lots of fellowship. Be looking for to upcoming announcements. Lisa Cummings is giving her testimony Saturday, June 26th. You can see her story, and many others, on our web site, just click on “Testimonies”. Many lives are being touched at “Steps of Christ Recovery”. We are still in the midst of a revival, souls being revived and restored! God is moving powerfully through the Holy Spirit! Come feel the love and Jesus. You will be encouraged, refreshed, and leave with a new excitement and purpose for your life. With a greater desire for Jesus Christ! Finally to all my family in prison: John, Rick, Bolo, Steve, Sammy, Vernon, Jason, Dennis, Lonnie, Michael, and all the many others, you know who you are. I love you guys and appreciate all your letters and prayers. And lastly, all who keep this ministry going in your own special way; from the bottom of my heart, Thank You! I pray the Lord richly bless each of you in a very special way! Your support and prayers are the only reason I can continue this awesome work and you are a part of it!
Web: www.deliveredfrommeth.com E-mail:dennis@deliveredfrommeth.com Phone: 580.606.3784 If you would like to become a partner in this ministry, please fill out the form below, clip it off and mail it to my home church. Please make out support checks in the name of Dennis Hall Ministries, P.O. Box 2117, Duncan, OK. 73534, in order for them to be tax-deductible. —————————————————————————————- Ministry of Dennis Hall Partnership Form (12/2009) Name ____________________________________ E-mail ____________________________________ Address __________________________________ Phone____________________________________ City, State, Zip _____________________________ Web _____________________________________ ( ) I will be in earnest prayer for this ministry. ( ) I commit $_______as a one-time offering. ( ) I commit $______ monthly (as the Lord allows). ( ) Please remove me from your mailing list.