Monthly Newsletter — February 2011
The Recovery church is a growing family and we gathered recently to support our very own Misty Thompson as she leaves us for 60 days to improve her life. Family and relationships have been our direction since the beginning.
We are now affiliated with the Southern Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma. Recently Ron & Betty Smith, Joe & Melody Horton, and Debbie and I spent two days at the Basic Training For Church Planting sponsored by the BGCO. We all came away encouraged and refreshed to learn they share in our vision to fulfill the Great Commission for the Kingdom of God. We learned so much and we were reminded of even more. We have two more training sessions at the end of March and are looking forward to them! Debbie and I will be three days (March 3-5) at the BGCO headquarters for the completion of our Chaplaincy training, (Critical Incident Stress Management), by Naomi Paget FBI Chaplain. We also spent last Thursday and Friday in Durant OK for the annual Rural American Missions Conference at the Victory Life Church, pastored by Duane Sheriff. “WOW!”, is the best I can come up with to describe it. We witnessed a mighty move of the Holy Spirit and a church that doesn’t limit God, nor put Him in a box with traditions, religion, or prejudices. We have been so encouraged from our recent trips and feel God has given us confirmation to continue the direction of our vision for the Recovery Church and a future, Steps to Christ Recovery Home. We now have something every night of the week at our “place of refuge.” Monday is marriage counseling, Tuesday is Recovery/Church night, Wednesday is “Ladies Night Out”, Thursday is “Men’s Night Out”, Friday is fellowship and game night, Saturday is Steps of Christ Recovery night, and Sunday we have morning and evening services. Go to and click on Recovery Church for more detailed information.
We had five dedications of children this month; Trevon Wright, first born son of Victory and Cory Wright, Willow Sigman, daughter of Rachel Sigman, Jordyn Blake, daughter of Amanda Blake, Logan Gillespie and Dalton Arbuckle, sons of Billy and Chelsy Gillespie. Four adults re-dedicated their lives to the Lord; Jacklyn Pierce, Amanda Blake, Billy and Chelsy Gillespie. We also had seven baptisms this month; Rachel Sigman, Shanna Isbell, Teresa Perkins, Rhyan Wilhelms, G.L. Tilley and his wife of over 50 years, May Tilley, and Felicia Hammand. Sunday, February 13th, we ordained Richard Neeld, and Wayne Graham as Elders, and Jason Barrett as music leader.
Valentine’s Day was special for our church this year. We not only had a party, but a wedding and celebration for Chelsy and Billy Gillespie.
We baptized 4 women and 7 men this month in the jails. God is still doing an awesome work there, and I am excited about 4 new seminars we will begin soon. The first is “Overcoming all Fears God’s Way.” Our Chaplains’ Board had its second meeting on Friday and we are encouraged about the future of our jail ministry. The entire jail staff and sheriff’s dept. are to be commended for their efforts in bringing God into the jails.
In closing, a man recently told me of yet another revival going on in our country, with healings and miracles (which is great if lives are truly being changed). It made me think, “Do people chase the healings and manifestations of God’s power around the country and is that really what revival is all about?” I told him that we were in the middle of a powerful revival! We have seen so many lives deemed hopeless and worthless by society, dramatically changed into beautiful new creatures by the power of the Holy Spirit. That’s revival in my eyes. To me this is the true miracle, the true revival. I remember Simon the sorcerer was also impressed with this sort of power and wanted to purchase it. But what became of Simon? We should look in our own backyard and be encouraged by the lives being touched by the hand of God in our own community. So many wonderful folks are making this happen. Debbie and I would like to say a BIG THANK YOU! We love and appreciate each of you for all your labor and support. May God continue to richly bless each of you in a very special way!
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——————————————————————————————————————————-The Ministry of Dennis Hall Partnership Form (12/2009)
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