“Merry Christmas”
Debbie and I would like to take this time of the year, (celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ), to wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. From the bottom of our hearts, we gratefully thank you for the tremendous love and support you have provide this past year. As we approach our first year anniversary as a married couple, and the church just celebrating its one year anniversary a couple months ago, I’m simply amazed at what our Lord has done in a very short time. The words of King David taken from Psalms 45:1 seem so fitting, “My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; my tongue is the pen of a ready writer”. The many lives we have seen dramatically touched by the hand our Lord Jesus, the dozens of children and families which seemed hopeless living happy Godly lives, helpless souls lost in the dark drug and gang worlds drastically changed and re-created by the awesome love of Jesus, men and women coming out of prison and jails with no one to help, finding God’s helping hand up, which was all many of them needed, a chance. We have seen well over 100 lives this year deeply touched and walking the walk. God is doing a revival of souls in our community and the members of our church are to be honored for their loving sacrifices. I have had dozens of people tell me they have never seen anything like the labor of love, support, help, time, energy and compassion given by a small group of kingdom labors. This is the season to be thankful, and we are so very grateful and thankful to our Lord Jesus for each of you. We are also excited about our future together; the future of the Recovery Home, the direction our church heading, “To Love God, To Love People, To Serve Both While Serving Our Community”. We have enjoyed a great harvest this year, but we believe the coming year is going to be the season of a tremendous move of the Holy Spirit through the love of Jesus in our community. We love each of you deeply with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ and pray God will continue to richly bless you this Christmas Season. Halloween God’s Way
We turned Halloween into a great opportunity to teach our kids that Christianity can be fun while using it to educate them on the Biblical stories and characters. Pictured from left to right Scott Hale, Rachael and Willow Sigman told the story of Zacchaeus and Sycamore Tree. Joe and Melody Horton came as Samson and Delilah for best costume, Lynn and Sandy Parr came as Noah and His wife turning their SUV into an Ark and passed out dozens of stuffed animals, they tied with Zacchaeus for best theme, and Debbie and I came as King David and Bathsheba. We want to thank everyone for their support. What a great turnout, over 30 kids dressed up, and about that many adults. Amanda Thomas and Debbie Long provided face painting for the kids. It was a GREAT time and a huge success.
Garrison Ferguson was baptized Sunday, November 27th. Garrison is yet another success story of God’s work that’s going on in the Stephens County jail. He spent several months in F-Pod which is the pod famous for the picture of the Holy Spirit Manifestation. We have some awesome teaching seminars by Duane Sheriff Ministries that’s making a huge difference in the jails. F.L. Estes, Dave Horn, and the entire jail staff are very special people and God is using the jails to change many lives. Sharon Cain of the drug court and all the Stephens county parole office are to be commended. These folks are very professional and they do truly care about the lives of their people. They are so overwhelmed at times that we can feel their exhaustion, but they continue in this difficult work of putting lives back together and changing our community one life at a time.
Newest Chaplains
Weekly Calendar Tuesday at 7 PM– Sunday at 10:30 AM & 6 PM: Regular Church Services. Come feel the Love of Jesus and be refreshed and encouraged.
Mon.! 7 PM: 1st & 3rd Mon. Couples Night —2nd and 4th Mon. Singles Night. Learning to build healthy relationships God’s way. Very powerful series with small group discussion
Wed.! 7 PM: Ladies Night Out. 12 Step Life Recovery Bible/Workbook/ Small Groups. The ladies are building loving relationships as they share personal testimonies pertaining to the lesson. It’s very powerful learning to be free in a loving and trusting environment.
Thur.! 7 PM: Men’s Night Out. 12 Step Life Recovery Bible/Workbook/ Small Groups. The men’s group is working primarily the same as the ladies.
Sat.! 7 PM:! 12 Step Life Recovery Bible/Workbook/ Small Groups. Joe and Melody Horton are doing a great job. They are excited as we all learn the ways of the Lord together while journeying in the steps of Jesus experiencing the abundant life He promised, it’s called FREEDOM! Amanda Thomas and Melinda Lara will phase up this month in drug court. Congratulations! Sunday Morning at 9:30 AM come join Dwain and Arvel Adkins as they Discussand Explore the Bible together. This month Numbers and Deuteronomy: Life on the Edge! Web: www.deliveredfrommeth.com E-mail:dennis@deliveredfrommeth.com Phone: 580.606.3784 Fax: 580-475-0681 Blog: dennisjhall.wordpress.com If you would like to become a partner in this ministry, please fill out the form below, clip it off and mail it to our new church, The Recovery Church. Please make out support checks in the name of The Recovery Church, P.O. Box 2117, Duncan, OK 73534 in order for them to be tax-deductible. —————————— Ministry of Dennis Hall Partnership Form (12/2009)————————————————— Name ____________________________________ E-mail ____________________________________ Address __________________________________ Phone_______________________ City___________, State____, Zip_______ _____________________________ Web _____________________________________ ( ) I will be in earnest prayer for this ministry. ( ) I commit $_______as a one-time offering. ( ) I will commit $________monthly (as the Lord allows) ( ) Please remove me from this mailing list
Dennis & Debbie Hall Ministries
The Recovery Church Stephens Co. Jail Chaplain P.O. Box 2117 Duncan, OK 73534 Web: www.deliveredfrommeth.com E-mail: dennis@deliveredfrommeth.com Fax: 580-475-0681 Phone 580-606-3784 Blog: dennisjhall.wordpress.com |
December 2011 Newsletter
Love God, Love People, Serve Both While Serving Our Community!